Parent Advisory Council
Every parent is automatically a member of the SMS Parent Council and, as such, is invited to attend and take part in the meetings held throughout the school year. The Parent Council has supported the school in numerous ways including fundraising, book fairs, hot lunches, etc. They are an integral and necessary part of the school; your participation is highly encouraged.
Chairperson – chairs all meetings, sets up the agenda and ensures the order of the meeting
Vice-Chair – works with the chair and can perform the same duties if the chair is not available
Secretary/Communications Officer – records the minutes of all meetings, publishes minutes
Treasurer – handles all financial transactions for the Council.
Volunteer Coordinator – organizes the school volunteer program in cooperation with the parents and teaching staff
Parent Council Objectives
To promote the welfare of students at SMS
To support the schools unique programs, both with time and financial resources,
To facilitate the involvement of parents with the school through the coordination of volunteer opportunities.